In my pursuit of being fit, healthy and happy I have learned pay close attention to that feeling deep down in your stomach. You know the feeling. The one that warns you when something isn't right or something is off. That feeling isn't only there as a warning sign, it can also let you know when you're making a good decision or something is going well.
the "queen of compost" no more. |
I recently had a feeling like this and because of it I made a decision that has changed my life. After 5 years of working at the my job I quit my job. To many people that doesn't really sound like taking a risk, but for me it was necessary for my health and well-being. To clarify a bit, I gave two weeks notice at my job without having a new job to go to, or more honestly a plan.
Was I sad to leave my job? Absolutely. But when you get to the point where you struggle to get up on time and dread Sunday nights you know it is time to take a leap of faith and make a change. I know my sudden leave from the organization wasn't optimal. I would have liked to wait out the school year or plan my departure with plenty of time for the organization to find my replacement and possibly even be able to train that person.

But at the point I had reached, one more week or two would have been detrimental to my health. I know it might sound like a huge overreaction, but anyone who has outlived a job knows what I mean. I was becoming that co-worker with the gray cloud above their head and who was a downer and nay-Sayer in situations that are supposed to be productive such as staff meetings, brainstorming sessions, etc. My negativity was starting to affect the organization and my co-workers. The fact that I realized that and took myself out of the equation was (I am hoping) the best for all of us.
The question I am sure you are asking is, what am I doing now or "how's retirement" (which is my newest favorite way of asking what on earth I am doing with my time). The short answer... figuring out what to do with my life!
So many people who I've talked to say that they are still trying to figure out what to do when they grow up also. It doesn't matter if they are 65, 45, 25 or even 85. We are all on a path to figure out who we are and what our dream job/career is. What are we here (on this Earth to do)? Many of us don't ever take that leap and take a chance to take the time to figure it out. Let me tell you, I don't have the financially security to really take time to figure things out. I am mashing together part time work like it's my job (hahaha.. I crack myself up!). Do I have small melt-downs? Yes. Am I wildly optimistic that things will be okay? Yes (which is very new for me I might add).
nothing like kayaking in Maine to soothe the soul! |
I do believe in the American Dream. And no, I don't mean the big house, 2.5 kids, 2 cars, blah blah blah. I believe that I can be whatever I want to be and that I should do what makes me happy in life. As much as no one likes or wants to admit it, each and every one of us only has a certain number of days on this planet. And I'm sure as heck going to spend them doing what I love!
Now if only I knew what that was....