Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Right Down To The Core

Just Me and My Core
My relationship with my core as not been a strong one. I have spent my life trying to hide under baggy shirt Honestly, until this past winter I really didn't think about it that much. While in middle school I competed in the VT State Fitness Competition and had to do as many sit-ups as I could in 1 minute. During high school soccer I remember getting surprise visits from the super fit and hard core x-c coach NH ("Herbie") to do his special core workouts. These included leg raises, flutter kicks and crunches... lots of crunches.

Aside from those few moments in my life I knew only one thing about my core- it was a bit pudgy and more of a muffin top than abs of steel. I still claim to this day that underneath the "VT Winter Insulation" is a very real 6 pack. This claim is still true, although I'm proud to say that the winter insulation is thinning. I have plenty of sweaters to keep me warm - don't need to rely on fat anymore. But enough about that, back to the core of the problem (haha.. sorry, I had to).

Last fall I was crippled with extreme back pain. It hurt so much I could really only lay on my back. Walking hurt. Running hurt (which isn't good when you're training for a half marathon). Playing soccer hurt; which isn't good if you're a coach and a player. And most of all, working hurt. Luckily I don't sit down all day for my job. I am up and moving around, doing a variety of things. That isn't good when you can easily get from sitting on the floor to standing, or getting out of a car takes longer than it should. I started off by going to my doctor. They prescribed me some muscle relaxers and suggested I go see a chrioprator to get my back realigned.

The Now Infamous 6th Vertebrae
My chiropractor told me that I not only had a weak core and tight back muscles, but more interestingly an x-ray revealed that I have a 6th lumbar vertebrae.Yup, you read that right, I have an extra vertebrae in my back. Unfortunately it doesn't make me taller (as we all know), it instead has put more of a curve in my lower back. This extra vertebrae is actually part of my sacrum that didn't fuse. This puts more of a curve in my spine and tilts my pelvis back (which is why for my entire childhood it looked like I was sticking my butt out - trust me, I wasn't doing it on purpose).

I was given some core exercises and stretches to do as well as weekly appointments to have my back adjusted. This helped for while, to the point where I thought I no longer needed to see the chiropractor on a regular basis. When I started exercising more in the S
pring I found myself in extreme pain again. I went back to the doctor and was referred to a physical therapist. She told me two things. One - I have the tightest leg muscles of anyone she has ever met and two - I have a very weak core (especially on the left side).

The Big Fix
some people hate it, but i love planking!
During June, July and August I created monthly workout challenges for myself. Each day I would gradually increase the number of reps for each exercise. Although I thought many of them were super successful I will admit that toward the end of the month the workouts got a bit tedious and were somewhat unexciting. I would by lying if I said that I completed every single day of exercises. Anyhoo, here is a quick overview of each months workouts:

  • Start month  - 15 situps, 5 crunches, 10 sec plank and 10 push-ups
  • End month  -  100 sit-ups, 200 crunches, 2 min plank and 60 push-ups
  • Start month - 15 sit-ups, 5 crunches, 5 leg raises, 10 sec plank, 10 squats, 10 push-ups
  • End month  - 125 sit-ups, 200 crunches, 65 leg raises, 2 min plank, 100 squats, 60 push-ups
one of the few times i have shown my stomach in public!
  • Start month - 10 crunches, 10 in&outs, 5 supermans, 1 min plank, 25 push-ups, 20 lunges, 20 narrow squats and 20 basic squat w/side lift
  • End month - 125 crunches, 50 in&outs, 40 supermans, 5 min plank,  60 push-ups, 60 lunges, 75 narrow squats and 75 basic squats with side lift
For the month of September I wanted to try something a little different. My plan was go to back to the original core exercises my physical therapist gave me.  These include: roll-ups, leg lock bridges, and plank with a focus on keeping my core engaged. I have also started doing a kettle bell workout 3 times a week.Using my 15 pound kettle bell I do a variety of exercises and do my best to focus on using my core. These exercises include: around the body pass, bent row, dead lift, figure eight, alternate hand swing and front squat. I do 10 reps of each and 3 sets total. It gives me an all over workout and especially works the core (if I am doing it right). Check out Women's Health Magazine for more information on my kettle bell workout:

 I can't say I am completely sold on my current core workout. In past months I liked to know exactly what workout I was going to do each day. It felt like more of a challenge than a workout. There is something about checking a workout off the calendar that is settling. I am thinking about finishing out September as planned and creating a new challenge for myself for October and go from there!

What My Core Means to Me Now
The view of my core has changed dramatically over the past few years. I see my core as something not set in stone, but instead something I can continue to work on and strengthen.My having a strong core I can become a faster runner and a better quicker soccer player. It is also my hope that strengthening my core and teaching myself to engage it I can reduce the amount of back pain I have. I would love to get through one day without experiencing pain. Now that I am getting older (eek!) I know the days of few aches and pains are probably numbered. But the more I can to take care of myself now, the better. I also love to improve my posture and maybe get rid of my "muffin top". I want to be proud of my core, not want to hide it every moment of the day.

I know what you're thinking. Once I have my six- pack I'll want to show it off. Well, don't worry I am very against crop tops, so no matter how awesome my abs become I will still keep them covered!

Kelly, Jessie and Lisa may have rocked the crop top - but it's just not my style!

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