I would love to take part in this challenge - I need to take part in this challenge, although for me it may start with baby steps. I'll start with a week. I will not step on the scale until next Friday - June 6th! And since this is in writing, and on the internet for all to see - it is pretty official! Hopefully by June 6th I won't feel the need to step on the scale. If that is the case, whoot whoot!

I am completely and utterly guilty of this. I hate my legs, I hate my stomach, my butt is fat, I hate my face, I have a big nose. At times in my life I have been very mean to myself. I have criticized myself for the way I look or my weight. Over the past few years, what I've learned about body shaming is that even if you are trying to lose weight or get in shape, even if you are eating healthy and exercising - if you are mentally beating yourself up and telling yourself negative things, you won't lose the weight. When I lost 25 pounds last year I was positive about my journey. I set a goal (to complete a triathlon) and worked towards it. Yes, I weighed myself every now and then, but I didn't set out to lose weight because I thought I was fat. I set out to live a healthier life and finish that triathlon I signed up for. I was excited about being outside, running, biking and swimming. I enjoyed trying new recipes and eating healthy. The bonus in all that was that I lost weight! But, that it is what it was, a bonus, not the focus.
I still catch myself thinking negative thoughts about my body. We all have bad days. But what I have learned is that to make change you have to think positively and you have to be kind to yourself.
The List
So, back to my inspiration today. I got inspired to challenge myself and my friends on Facebook to write a list of 10 things they love about themselves. The first time I did this was only within the last month. I was having a bad day, was down about my life, being sick, my job, etc. To help get myself out of that rut I made myself think of and write down 10 things I loved about me and made sure that it wasn't completely focused on my body.And you know what? It helped pull me out of my funk that day - it put me in a better mood.
Here are my 2 lists:
But, why stop at just things you love about yourself. What about your friends, your family, your home? Here is a 5 day challenge for you (don't worry, I am going to do this as well):

Day 1: Write down 10 things you love about yourself
Day 2: Write 10 things you like/love about a friend (and share them with that friend).
Day 3: Write 10 things you like/love about your home. This can be your actual apartment, house or your town or even state.
Day 4: Write 10 things you like/love about your family (immediate or extended).
Day 5: Write 10 things you like/love about the world.
How do you feel after writing each list? How do you feel at the end of the week? I hope you feel happier and more positive about life. It is easy to get overwhelmed and feel down about things. But during the hard times remember - "this too shall pass", "it could always be worse" and "it might be a bad day, not a bad life".
So take a deep breath, smile and put one foot in front of the other!