I will openly admit that I am having a hard time remembering exactly what happened during January. For starters, I ran the Boston Prep 16 miler in Derry NH. It was the farthest distance I had ever run. I finished faster that I thought I would and luckily didn't lose any body parts to frost-bite! I was beginning to plan out my race calendar for the year. I was signed up for a handful of half marathons, the VT City Marathon and a few triathlons. I was on the right track in the fitness side of things and I was looking forward to a kick - ass year! In other parts of my life things weren't looking so great, my Dad had another surgery and I guess that is when things started to go downhill.

From the looks of my fitness journal, I didn't do too much this month. I kept up with my marathon training, but had no races on the calendar. I went snowshoeing and skiing a fair amount. I also spent a good amount of time at my parents house. My Dad wasn't doing that well, so I switched my work schedule and went home for 3 day weekends to keep Dad company and help out around the house. Sometimes family trumps fitness. Although I have learned that if I don't do something physical everyday I get irritable and depressed very easily. I wish I had figured that out sooner.
For obvious reasons this was the hardest month of the year. Dad passed away at home on Town Meeting Day (March 4th). The exhaustion and stress of his final days caused me to sleep a lot and really not have the motivation to get out and run. Really, running would have helped me more than the many naps I took. I needed to get the stress, frustration and sadness out. Inside I bottled it up inside. I never thought that I would lose a parent so young. He was 59. The only positive thing that came from his passing was my renewed goal of getting healthy and staying healthy. I know that I don't want to get cancer and I want to live a long life. To do so I need to get in shape and stay in shape. I also need to focus on feeding my body healthy whole clean foods. March didn't turn into the best fitness month for me. I know I continued to walk Odin daily, but aside from that my fitness journal is pretty blank.
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SF was the escape I needed! |
I started to get my butt back in gear during April. I got back into my running routine and did my longest run thus far (22 miles - solo!). At that point I was feeling good and was excited for the upcoming marathon. I also went to San Francisco and biked over the Golden Gate Bridge! Who would have guessed that I went from an awesome vacation, a kick-ass 22 mile solo training run to what happened in May.
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my rock through it all |
Oh the month of May. This is when all hell broke loose. The month started out well. I ran the Middlebury Maple Half Marathon and although I didn't PR, I ran 19 minutes faster than the first time I ran it. I had been following my training calendar and was so pumped and ready to run the Vermont City Marathon, when I got sick. Really sick. I called it the plague. The doctors called it a virus of some sort. It wasn't Mono or strep throat. But I was in bed for close to a week. Too weak to even sit up or go to the kitchen. I had a fever and the worst sore throat of my life. I subsisted (barely) on Gatorade, jello and water. In that one week I lost 10 pounds. Although I was training for a marathon and was in great shape, I couldn't walk my dog around the block. When I started to feel better I still got winded and exhausted just walking my dog and knew that running was completely out of the picture. I was devastated when I finally realized that running the marathon was not in the cards for me. The rest of the month was devoted to getting to a place where I could easily walk my pup without getting winded and needing to take a nap. It was a hard lesson to learn, but I know now that I can't continue to push my body, it needs time to rest and recover.
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Summit of White Rock |
June was a month of recovery for me. I walked a lot and ran short distances. Toward the end of the month I was starting to get my legs back. I played a lot of soccer and rode my bike a fair amount. I was also focused on eating clean and healthy. I know weight loss while ill isn't the healthiest, but I worked hard to keep myself on the right track and kept some of it off.
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Kayaking in Maine with Mom! |
Well, to start I turned 30! July was a definite re-building month. I ran almost 60 miles and was active almost every day. The start of the month was slow, I did a lot of walking and short runs to help build my stamina back up. I also got on my bike and did some longer rides (which during the hot summer days feels pretty good). I kayaked and swam a fair amount as well. I was eating healthy and working hard to get out and have fun!

This way probably the best month of the year! I ran close to 50 miles this month, did a ton of hiking, got on my bike a fair amount and finished my first Olympic Distance Triathlon! I also started to add in more strength training to my workouts, which helped me get stronger faster. During one week of amazing weather I hiked/ran a new mountain each day; White Rock, Stowe Pinnacle and Spruce Mountain (ran up). I finally felt like I was back to my old self.
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Nothing like a trail run in the rain! |
I moved out of Montpelier and in with my sister M. Settling in was hard for me. I had to find new routes to run and new places to walk Odin. I no longer had Hubbard Park just a mile away where Odin and I could run on the trails or get lost for an hour or so. I still kept running consistently at lunch (the perks of having an hour long lunch break!). I had no races scheduled for the month, so just did my best to run, bike and play soccer consistently.

I quit my job! Yes, you read that correctly. After 5 years I decided that I was ready to move on. So with no real plan in place I left my place of employment, my health insurance, my vacation and sick days behind. For the next month I started substitute teaching (and loved it). Although the decision was hard, I don't regret it one bit! I felt such a weight lifted off my shoulders after leaving. Aside from my kick-ass finish in the Sumttynose Half Marathon in Hampton NH (1:54:27) my fitness journal shows much inconsistency. I used to get a run in almost everyday during my hour long lunch break. With the new job, new schedule and longer commute, this was no longer possible.

This month I PR'd at the RaceVermont Half Marathon in Shelburne (1:54:00!). I think the key to my having a good race is to go alone and not have any friends there to cheer me on. I'm not sure why, but I seem to run faster when I'm solo. Without even planning it, that was my last race of the year. I also joined a Master's Swim Team and fell back in love with the water. It is so nice to have people to swim with and a coach to help push you (a little). I also went to my first Master's Swim Meet and realized how much I loved to race.

Well here we are at the end of 2014! I haven't been doing much running this month, instead I've been swimming, riding my bike inside, playing indoor soccer and skiing whenever I can (living by the mountain does have its perks). I started a new job and have really had my life turned upside down. This may also be the first year I have maintained my weight during the holiday season!!
Looking Ahead

This post is dedicated to my Dad. I will love and miss you forever!